Our story

Gratitude Mania was created with a mission to support beautiful souls on their journey to practice gratitude daily.

gratitude mania gratitude journal

The benefits of feeling grateful are enormous. Over the past decades, scientists have proven the positive effects of gratitude – and we can’t argue with science, right? But if we put science aside, can you recall the feeling of being truly grateful for something? Remember a beautiful gift, which you really liked, or a memorable journey, or a gathering with family or friends. Imagine it as if it were happening right now, all over again.


Ohh, it’s a magical feeling. The memory takes us back into a state when our heart was truly grateful, we felt jpy and delight, we were happy. What an amazing feeling…

And this, my beautiful soul, is something we would like you to experience every day. 

Now, you’re probably saying, “these guys are nuts! Every day can’t be as good as the memory I just imagined. I get lost in millions of daily tasks, living a modern busy life, and trying to balance every area. This just isn’t possible.” But, is that really true? Do you know the good old saying ‘nothing is impossible’? Even the word itself says I’m possible! But, yes, of course we haven’t got a magic stick to wave to wake you up and switch your mindset so you can see beauty in everything. However, I would like to share with you an insight that helped me and others to see cultivating gratitude in a whole new perspective.

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gratitude mania -journal


Gratitude can be like any other personal trait. If you’ve ever tried something new in life, then you definitely know that the beginning is always the toughest. But, with persistence, we can manage to develop a habit.

In fact, it is now so easy for us to do it on a daily basis, we actually can’t even imagine not doing it. A great example of developing a habit is brushing your teeth. Practicing gratitude is the same.


The more we practice it, the easier it gets. To make it a bit easier for you, we designed two products which play a tremendous part in creating a new gratitude mindset. When you use both of them together, the percentage of success is much higher.

Our products help you cultivate a feeling of gratitude from the first thing in the morning, all through the day, and to the last moment in the evening. That’s why you can develop a habit quicker than you would normally.

gratitude mania - practice gratitude

We believe

gratitude is the key to happiness

A sense of gratitude has been shown to have the most significant relationship with life satisfaction, which – for many, if not the majority of people – is what makes us happy. ​

in our products

Our products are carefully designed with love and scientific and numerological insights, as our deepest desire is to help you reach your new gratitude mindset as quickly as possible.


We believe that we create our reality. How we start and end our day – and everything we do in between – can predict a lot of things: our attitude, our productivity, our success.

Andreja, Founder of Gratitude Mania

I’m Andreja. From a very young age, I have had a passion for psychology. Personal growth is one of my core values and I love learning new things and perspectives. As a Holistic Life Coach, I love to help people to reach their potential, to live a more meaningful, authentic, and joyous life.
I am not a person who was raised in a gratitude mindset. As part of my personal growth, I have learned gratitude plays a tremendous part if we want to change our life for the better.

This story started back in 2013 when I established my daily gratitude practice, but I was not feeling any better. After many failures to incorporate a gratitude practice into my every day, I have decided to research this topic in and out.

I have read numerous scientific articles and books to find out what are the secrets of a successful gratitude practice. These secrets I have later incorporated into my daily gratitude routine and finally, I was starting to see the positive effects. Gratitude Mania is designed with the purpose to support you on your way to cultivating gratitude daily. The products are carefully designed with love, under scientific and numerological insights, as my deepest desire is to help people to reach a new gratitude mindset as quickly as possible.

Be inspired. Get grateful.

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