Are you ready to meet your new best friend?

 – Let me explain – 

this is not an ordinary gratitude journal.


Does this sound familiar to you?

From the second the alarm clock goes off, I’m rushing to get things done. I can’t help but to feel stressed with the same story every day.

In the evening, I lay down in my bed, thinking about all the things I have to get done tomorrow, and I fall asleep.

Exhausted and living day-by-day,

I don’t even remember how all these days or even years have passed by. Days go by, trying to feel positive, but I’m getting lost in all these tasks.

When will this end?

I don’t feel happy. When was the last time I felt really happy or grateful? Hmm, well, I feel grateful occasionally … Should I change something?

There’s no doubt that our world is more chaotic than ever.

The number of stressful situations to which we are exposed is rising every day. So, if you find yourself in this scenario, you’re not alone. However, there is one thing you should know, and it’s not even a secret.

Feeling grateful every day is a well-known key to happiness.



We designed it carefully under scientific and numerological findings, as our deepest desire is to help you reach your new gratitude mindset as quickly as possible.

Look inside the journal.

Are you ready to take your gratitude to the next level?

why this gratitude journal is different?


 It’s designed under scientific and numerological findings.

Our deepest desire is to help you reach your new gratitude mindset as quickly as possible, so we did the hard work for you and dug deep into neuroscience, science of gratitude, and numerology to include the best scientific findings which are going to help you on your way developing a new skill, a new mindset, and a life, filled with joy, peace, and happiness.

We love quality and practicality.

Hardcovers and practical wireo binding are here to help you write your gratitude journal anywhere. Because this gratitude journal is designed to practice journaling in the morning and right before going to bed, now you can easily practice right in your bed. Inside pages are from 100gsm thick paper, so you can say bye-bye to seethrough paper notebooks.

We know building a new habit it’s not easy –

so we’ve included fun tasks to keep you engaged.

 Every fifth day of your practice you are invited to do a fun gratitude task. This will keep you engaged and encourage you to do kind and grateful gestures to increase your grateful vibe.

Lovely gratitude quotes.

Besides the fun little tasks, there are colorful gratitude quotes that inspire and motive you to continue your gratitude journaling practice on your way to building a gratitude mindset

what others say about it:


This is the reason why I start and end my day with a positive attitude ready to conquer all that’s ahead. As a young mom and brand founder, I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the plans and to-do lists and the gratitude journal helps me feel grounded and thankful for all that surrounds me. When I feel down or stressed I love to read my old gratitude notes just to recall how lucky I am. Throughout the day I wear my pink bracelet as a lovely reminder that there is always time to pause and smile 🙂. Anyone in search of more joy, ease and simplicity in their life should own this!


Boss Lady and a mommy of sweet little baby doll

I’ve bought a journal and bracelet as a gift for my 11-year daughter. I was surprised how much she is enjoying writing it everyday. I think this journal is an amazing way to start daily gratitude practice and a bracelet is a nice reminder for recalling grateful thoughts. My daughter said it is fun to write because of small challenges inside. I would definitely recommend it.



Sales representatives, mommy of 2

The gratitude journal is really the next best thing. The design of the journal is beautiful. It guides you through every day and it makes it easy to write. I love it!



gratitude mania gratitude journal
This is not an ordinary gratitude journal. You receive:

💜 Hardcover (A5 format, 140 pages)
💜 100gsm Thick Paper
💜 Quality Wire-O binding
💜 Instructions
💜 Personal contract
💜 Quiz before and after 111 days
💜 111 days of journal pages
💜 Beautiful gratitude quotes
💜 Fun gratitude tasks

The journal is designed to use it twice a day; first thing in the morning and the last in the evening.

It will take no longer than 5 minutes to focus on gratitude twice a day, and soon you will start to see positive changes in your life.

This is a perfect gift for you, your friends and family. ❤️

Show the appreciation and give a meaningful gift which opens the door to a life, filled with gratitude and positive vibes.


We believe

gratitude is the key to happiness

A sense of gratitude has been shown to have the most significant relationship with life satisfaction, which – for many, if not the majority of people – is what makes us happy. ​

in our products

Our products are carefully designed with love and scientific and numerological insights, as our deepest desire is to help you reach your new gratitude mindset as quickly as possible.


We believe that we create our reality. How we start and end our day – and everything we do in between – can predict a lot of things: our attitude, our productivity, our success.

I’m ready to change my life.

Andreja, Founder of Gratitude Mania

I’m Andreja. From a very young age I have had a passion for psychology. Personal growth is one of my core values and I love learning new things and perspectives. As a Life and Business Coach I love to help people to reach their potencial, to live more meaningful, authentic and joyous life.

I am not a person who was raised into gratitude mindset. As part of my personal growth, I have learnt gratitude plays tremendous part if we want to change our life for the better. I could say the story acctually started back in 2013 when I established my morning and evening gratitude ritual, thinking of the things I am grateful for, just before going to bed. This worked somehow, but there was still something missing, so I have decided to research this topic in and out.

  I have read numerous scientific articles and books which I implemented my gratitude practice. Gratitude Mania is designed with a purpose to support you on your way to shift your mindset as quickly as possible.

Be inspired. Get grateful.

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